I didn’t know that Cornmeal Mush was a thing until I read the Little House on the Prairie to my kids. In the book, they subsisted almost solely on cornmeal mush for their trek out west in their covered wagon. If this dish could take the Ingalls family across the plains, surely it could get us through the morning. My favorite way to eat this breakfast-from-the-past is to top it with heavy cream and white sugar. Thanks Laura Ingalls Wilder, we will try our best to continue the easy-to-chew culinary legacy you started.
Easy To Chew is a food blog created by a dentist, a public health professional, and a registered dietitian. Their mission? To cook up delicious recipes dedicated to those who are in need of foods which are easy to chew, easy to swallow, and easy to love!
Count how many rows of kernels are on an ear of corn. It will always be an even number.