It’s true in life and it’s true in food. Strawberries in springtime, blackberries in summer, pumpkins in autumn, and oranges in winter. But what about smoothies? I know what you’re thinking, I thought summer too. What’s better than an ice cold smoothie on a sweltering summer day? But then again, they taste pretty good when I’m inside listening to the rain fall in spring…. Or what about when I’m roasting by the fire in the middle of winter? Or in autumn when all the leaves are coincidentally the same color as the smoothie I’m drinking? Let’s face it, smoothies are delicious, refreshing, and nutritious regardless of which season it is. Don’t get me wrong, if you’d rather keep your smoothie making to summertime, that’s fine by me. But the way I see it, no matter what time of year it is, we could all use a little taste of summer.
Easy To Chew is a food blog created by a dentist, a public health professional, and a registered dietitian. Their mission? To cook up delicious recipes dedicated to those who are in need of foods which are easy to chew, easy to swallow, and easy to love!
Where did smoothies come from?
Many cultures have enjoyed mashed fruit with juice for hundreds of years, but smoothies have evolved into a worldwide health food phenomenon. This phenomenon owes its beginnings to two influential American entrepreneurs/smoothie pioneers: